Important Phone Numbers of Wankaner: Hospitals, Doctors, Schools, Government Offices and More

Important Phone Numbers of Wankaner: Hospitals, Doctors, Schools, Government Offices and More information given here. It’s a city located in the district of Morbi in Gujarat. Wankaner is located in the state of Gujarat, 29 km from Morbi. It is the hub of various industries. In recent years, the city developed very well, thanks to…

PGVCL Wankaner Phone Number, Rural and City Contact Number, Complaint Number and More

PGVCL is an important organization in functioning of Wankaner and nearby villages. A large number of industries are located in nearby village of the city. They wholly depend on the power supply of PGVCL. In some unavoidable circumstances, power cut is required and people want to know the exact time and duration of the said…