Nakhatrana ST Depot Phone Number, Enquiry Number, Bus Depot Contact Number
Nakhatrana ST Depot Phone Number, Enquiry Number, Bus Depot Contact Number and more details are given here. Now a day online bus ticket booking is very easy and beneficial. Simple booking process, best services and special deals for travels. A lots of online travel agents and travel companies offers travel packages for Nakhatrana.
If you want to buy online bus tickets, then we are suggest you to visit the popular bus tickets booking website, such as Freecharge, PayTM, ibibo, MakeMyTrip, Abhibus, Cleartrip, Yatra, and others. This online bus ticket booking web portals are provides lowest cost with exciting Cashback offers and rewards. If you want safe and secure journey then you have to take travel insurance in advance which is very useful.
So, let’s see Nakhatrana ST Depot Phone Number, Enquiry Number, Bus Depot Contact Number and more.

Nakhatrana ST Depot Contact Address
Please note down Nakhatrana ST Depot Address: GJ SH 42, Nakhatrana, Gujarat 370615.
Nakhatrana Bus Stand Important Phone Numbers / Contact Info
Please note down Nakhatrana Bus Stand Phone Number: 02835-222129. You can also try Nakhatrana GSRTC Depot Number: 02835-222129. Do not forget tot try this Nakhatrana Bus Depot Phone Number: 02835-222129.
You can also get time table and bus schedule from Nakhatrana Bus Stand Enquiry Number: 02835-222129.
For complaint and feedback, please contact ST Depot Manager Number: 02835-222170.
Popular Routes from and to Nakhatrana ST Depot
- Naliya, Mandvi, Mundra, Bhuj
- Kutch, Gandhidham, Hodka
- Dholavira, Rapar
- Jamnagar, Khambhalia, Rajkot
To get the exact time table of Nakhatrana Bus Station, then please call the enquiry number given above. The above mentioned routes based on information available to us.
Available travels
- RTT Bus Service
Sardar Patel Chowk, Nr Bank Of Baroda, Nakhatrana, Gujarat 370615 -
JAY Somnath Traveles
Vishal Pan Corner, Near S.t. Bus Stand, Sahijpur Bogha, Kutch – 382345 (Map)
About Nakhatrana
Nakhatrana is located under Kutch, Gujart. It is big rural area. It is popular for spicy Dabeli and bangles. The nearest railway station from Nakhatrana is Bhuj railway station and it is 31 km away from it. It contain 6 government primary school, 4 private school, 2 high school, 1 college and 1 ITI. It is located on National highway 8.
Read Also: Gandhidham bus stand phone number
Article Title: Nakhatrana ST Depot Phone Number, Enquiry Number, Bus Depot Contact Number
Article last re-published on July 4, 2020.