Indian Railways Lucknow Division Important Phone Numbers, Contact Numbers, CUG Numbers, Email Address
Indian Railways Lucknow Division Important Phone Numbers, Contact Numbers, CUG Numbers, Email Address details given here. To buy travel packages especially for India’s most beautiful destination i.e. Uttar Pradesh. If you have travelled in train and have bad experience, then this numbers are useful. You should buy travel packages for various Indian destinations from IRCTC, MakeMyTrip, Cleartrip, ibibo, and other. You should buy travel insurance for amazing travelling experience in case of health crisis and accident. A few travel operators offers it as one of the complimentary services.
In this article, we have provided contact details of Indian Railways Lucknow Division Important Phone Numbers, Contact Numbers, CUG Numbers, Email Address. So, let’s see!
Indian Railways Lucknow Division Important Phone Numbers
To talk with DRM, the highest ranking official in Lucknow division, please dial 23200 (Rly office), OR 2626670 (BSNL line office number). Alternatively, you can also use CUG number for Lucknow DRM 9794833000. You can also send your query to Lucknow division DRM email address:
To talk with ADRM/OP, please dial mobile number 9794833009 OR send your query to email address:
You can also talk with ADRM (Admin.) to solve your questions regarding Admin. of Lucknow division. Please dial 23202 (Rly line), or personal mobile number 9794833008 (CUG number).
Other Important Contact Details of Lucknow Railway Division
Designation | Name | Rly (Office ) | BSNL (Office) | CUG Number | |
ADRM/Infra | Vineet Srivastava | 23204 | 2234752 | 9794833001 | |
CMS/LKO | Padam Singh Negi | 25611, 26278 | 2450701 | 9794833500 | |
Sr.DEN/Co-ord | Anil Kalra | 23400 | 2234713 | 9794833200 | |
DEN/I | Manoj Pandey | 23402 | 2234521 | 9794833201 | |
Sr.DEN/II | Vikas Goyal | 23403 | 2234715 | 9794833202 | |
Sr. DEN/III | Anand Krishn Ojha | 23404 | 2625073 | 9794833203 | |
Sr.DEN/IV | Gaurav Verma | 23405 | 2234716 | 9794833204 | |
DEN/V | Harish Kumar | 23406 | 2234721 | 9794833205 | |
DEN/T | A K Pandey | 23408 | 2234717 | 9794833206 | |
Sr.DOM | A K SINHA | 23500 | 2234504 | 9794833900 | |
Sr. DOM/G | Y P Tripathi | 23501 | 2234523 | 9794833901 | |
Sr.DCM | Shivendra Shukla | 23220 | 2234501 | 9794833950 | |
Sr.DFM | O P Yadav | 23250 | 2234700 | 9794833100 | |
Sr.DEE/G | Sanjay Tiwari | 23450 | 2629263 | 9794833300 | |
Sr.DEE/TRD | Shobhit Gupta | 23513 | 2234708 | 9794833350 | |
Sr.DME/O&F | K M Pandey | 23470 | 2234570 | 9794833400 | |
Sr.DME/C&W | Kamal Mohan | 23472 | 2234572 | 9794833421 | |
Sr.DME/DSL | Shivender Singh | 28450 | 2451825 | 9794834400 | |
Sr.DSTE/C | A K Singh | 23549 | 2234550 | 9794833800 | |
Sr.DSTE/I | Vaccant | 23552 | 2234552 | 9794833801 | |
Sr.DSO | A K Yadav | 23502 | 2234571 | 9794833050 | |
Sr.DSC/RPF | Satya Prakash | 23650 | 2234650 | 9794833700 | |
Sr. DPO | M B Singh | 23600 | 2234600 | 9794833600 | |
Sr. DMM | K K Kanojia | 23205 | 2234756 | 9794833770 | |
Rajbhasha Adhikari | – | 23608 | 2234758 | 9794833009 | |
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Article Title: Indian Railways Lucknow Division Important Phone Numbers, Contact Numbers, CUG Numbers, Email Address
Article last re-published on May 5, 2020.