Nirmal Baba Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Phone Number, Address, and More
Nirmal Baba, also known as Nirmaljit Singh Narula, was born in 1952 and is a renowned spiritual leader in India. His televised congregations, known as Samagams, titled The Third Eye of Nirmal Baba, have gained immense popularity and attracted thousands of viewers seeking spiritual guidance and faith healing.
Since 2011, the Samagams have been increasingly popular and have been broadcasted on over 30 major television channels. Baba’s teachings have amassed a large online following of around 500,000. Baba’s spiritual public discourses are highly regarded in India and are broadcasted on various television channels across the country and several other nations. Further, we have Nirmal Baba’s Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Phone Number, Address, and More.

Nirmal Baba Office Address
He lives in New Delhi, Gurgaon and other parts of India. Due to privacy reasons, we can’t disclose Nirmal Baba’s House Address/Home Address. Please get in touch with his office, located in New Delhi and other parts of India.
For any official communication, please note down Nirmal Baba Office Address in New Delhi: Nirmal Darbar, 211 Chiranjiv Tower 43, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019.
Please make an appointment before visiting his office.
Nirmal Baba Contact Numbers
To get an appointment to meet Nirmal Baba or his office, please call his Office Contact Number +91-11-40766400 to talk with his office.
As of now, we do not have Nirmal Baba Mobile Number/WhatsApp Number. We may update soon.
Nirmal Baba Email ID and Official Website
To get in touch with his office quickly, you can send an email to this Email Address:
For further information about his activities, programs, schedules and more, please visit his official website.
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About Nirmal Baba
Nirmal Baba is a popular religious leader and speaker. However, his tips and religious speeches are controversial, based on media reports. His tips and unique and unusual to his followers. His programs air on several TV channels and are watched by millions of people. We hope that the contact information of Nirmal Baba will be useful to all people, especially followers of Nirmal Baba around the world.
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Article Title: Nirmal Baba Mobile Number, Email Address, Contact Number, WhatsApp Number and More